How often do we say more research needs to be done for Fibromyalgia:question: And how often does that call go unanswered:question:Well today we are picking up that call and answering that question!
The Support Fibromyalgia Network, The Fibromyalgia Pain Chronicles and Veteran Voices For Fibromyalgia are teaming up to bring you the FIRST Patient Driven Research Survey‼️
This Patient Research Survey will strengthen our Advocacy efforts for Fibromyalgia Capitol Hill Legislation Day in May of 2022. By investing 2 minutes of your time to answer 10 questions, you are not only helping our Advocacy efforts, your 2 minutes of time makes you a Bonafide Advocate, and part of #TeamFibro as well!
If you have Fibromyalgia, please take this short survey, to not only amplify our voices, but to bring much needed information to our Legislators and Tax Funded Healthcare Organizations!
It Is Greatly Appreciated If You All Would Share This Survey With Your Friends As Well! THANK YOU!
#LetsDoThis #GoTeam #TeamFibro